I was tagged :)
POSTED ON 21 October 2011 AT Friday, October 21, 2011 \ leave a comment (0)

Bonjour! Thanks to the cutey miss Adrina for the tagged :) Come on bebeh, it's my turn to reveal 11 things about me, myself and I. 

  • My fullname is Nurfazieha Chin bt Tuinin.
  • My nicknames are Zhyzhy, Azie, Ahmoi, Sembui, Kitty and Beb.
  • I'm born at Clinic Dr Zainuddin Papar on 24 September 1996.
  • My age is amazing 15 years but I look matured as 17 years old -.-
  • I was skinny about 3 months ago but I drink Weight Gain and I look fatty now :)
  • My weight is 53 kg and height about 164 cm.
  • I have no brother and I'm the tallest in my siblings. I am the forth from the fifth.
  • I am Single but I have a boyfriend. Doesn't it cute? :*
  • I have many collections of Hello Kitty's shirt. By the way, I love Pink.
  • I only hang out with my boys. I love being boyish around them.
  • Lastly, I love to sing, shopping, listening music and trying something new.
Now it's time to answer the questions from my dear blogger friends :)

  1. Which artist you like most? //I love Taylor Swift and Avril Lavigne damn muchyy.
  2. If you have a bf/gf, what gift would you like to give her/him as a couple gift? //a cover of phone.
  3. Which place you prefer to go for holiday? //London, Britain.
  4. List 5 handsome(st) boys in your school. //Norizwanudyen, Firdaus H, Hatta, Afik Nasri, Azreen.
  5. Who can make you happy when you are sad? //My food :D
  6. DSLR and iPhone. which one you want? //DSLR of course. I am photographer.
  7. What's your most favourite song? //argh. I don't know actually, Tommorow by Avril Lavigne.
  8. Have you ever a date? With who? //yes. My ex-boyfriend -.-
  9. If you have 50 note, what will you do with the money? //Top up, watching movie, and eat at Mc'D.
  10. Do you like be friend with me? why? //yes, cause you are the first one tagged me in a game :D
  11. What's your hobby? //hang out, shopping, eating, calling and surfing internet.
Now it's your time to answer my questions! HAHAHAHA *evil laugh*

  1. What age was your first couple?
  2. Do you ever bring your boyfriend meet your parents? what your parents reaction?
  3. What was your name in Facebook?
  4. What was your URL blog mean?
  5. What name that you hope it was your name?
  6. What your boyfriend name?
  7. Do you love Kpop? Which artist?
  8. Usually, what number you rank at class?
  9. Boy or girl, which want you want to be?
  10. Between shirts or trousers, which one most important?
  11. Honest, have you ever pee in your sleep?
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